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Károly is an external expert to HYDROInform with wide national and international professional experience in:

  • managing international river commission and technical assistance projects;

  • implementation of EU-legislation (esp. WFD, EFD);

  • design, implementation and operation of GIS-based information systems for hydrological, water management and environmental purposes;

  • modelling in hydrology;

  • training on post graduate and technician level, concern¬ing applied hydrology, with special reference to computer applications;

  • computer programming in various programming languages and macro-programming in spread¬sheet processing software.


Curriculum Vitae:


1.  Family name:     FUTAKI
2.  First names:        KÁROLY
3.  Date of birth:     5 May 1948
4. Nationality:        Hungarian
5.  Civil status:        Married

6.  Education:

Institution [ date from – date to ]

Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

Department of Water Resources Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Budapest University of Technology, Budapest (Hungary) [Sep-1966 to Jun-1971]

M. Sc. (Eng.) in Civil Engineering

Technical High school for Roads, Bridges and Hydraulics Construction Békés-csaba (Hungary) [Sep-1962 to Jun-1966]

B. Sc.


7.   Language skills:  Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)





Hungarian (mother tongue)




















8.   Membership of professional bodies: Hungarian Hydrological Association

9.   Other skills: Fully conversant with MS Windows-environment computers, design of web-based  environmental databases, BASIC and MACRO programming.

10.  Present position: Senior Information Management, GIS and Water Management Expert in T&F  Consult Ltd and Managing Director of T & F Consult Ltd.


11.  Years within the company: 3 years T & F Consult Ltd. (and 14 years with Futaki & Partner Ltd)


12.  Key qualifications:


     (i) Setting up & managing international river commission: design and operation of the work of international river commission (ICPDR), supporting the work of Strategy Expert Group of the same;

    (ii) Implementation of EU legislation with special regard to Water Framework Directive and Flood Risk Directive including methodology and mapping development for River Basin Mgmt Plan and Flood Risk Mgmt Plan;

     (iii) Project Management: management projects within the frame of international commission and of UN Technical Assistance (TA);

     (iv) Design of Geographical Information System for hydrological, water management and environmental purposes, based on  ESRI (ArcInfo) software;

     (v) Operation and development of web-based information system for environmental purposes using Oracle Database Management and Portal software;

     (vi) Design and setup of hydrological databases, using Relation­al Database Management Systems (ORACLE, MS-ACCESS, PARADOX, dBase-III/IV);

     (vii) Modelling in hydrology, with reference to data acquisi­tion systems (processing and sto­rage of data), and to simulation of hydrological proces­ses with special regard to flood forecasting;

     (viii) Training on technician‑ and post‑graduate level, concern­ing applied hydrology, with special reference to computer applications;

     (ix) Computer programming in various programming languages and macro-programming in spread­sheet processing software (MS-EXCEL, QUATT­RO-PRO, SYMPHONY, LOTUS) for backing up the solution of miscel­laneous techni­cal problems encountered in the prac­tice of hydrology;

     (x) Use of office packages: fully skilled in using MS Office and WordPerfect Office packages.


     Other fields: Organisation of international meetings, conferences, training courses, workshops on various aspects of implementation of WFD. In-depth knowledge of EU legislation in the water sector. Knowledge on the reporting requirements of the WFD.


13.  Specific experience:


Date from - Date to

All Danube River Basin countries, incl. UA

From Oct-1999 to Dec-2005


Sava River Basin countries

From 2009 to present


From 2006 to present


Dec-1998 to Jan-1999




Jan-1991 to Mar-1991, Apr-1992 to Jul-1995


Mar-1990 to Aug-1990

South-East Asian countries

1983 to 1986


Mar-1980 to Dec-1980


Oct-1972 to Sep-1978


14.  Professional experience








to present

Budapest Hungary

T & F Consult Ltd

(former Futaki & Partner Ltd)

Managing director

See description of activities:
    a) from Jan-09 to present
    b) between Jul-95 to Sep-99

Ref. person: Ms. Klára Tóth

phone: +36 30 949 3397


to Nov-12


T & F Consult Ltd

Senior Info  and Water Management Expert

Further development and harmonization of the Hungarian and Ukrainian Upper-Tisza flood-prevention development programmes, establishing an integrated flood-prevention forecast system with the adap­ta­tion of GIS model (ENPI HUSKROUA 0901/044). The main objective is the further development of the Hungarian-Ukrainian flood forecast and information system covering the Upper-Tisza river basin above Tokaj, as the result of which data and information will be accessible on-line to every concerned party and institution. Design and development and implementation of web-based IT sub-system aiming to satisfy the common and specific demand of local, central and other national organizations.

Ref. person: Mr. János A.  Szabó

phone: +36 20 522 5920


to Mar-12



Key Expert

River Eng.

Preparation of the Study of Flood Prone Areas in Serbia (EuropeAid/128095/C/SER/RS): an EU-funded project managed by the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia (DEU) to assist the Directorate for Water (DfW) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the RS to the harmonization with the European Flood Directive and Water Framework Directive, and introduction of the "living-with-floods" principle in Serbia. This objective is in line with the Serbian Government’s European Integration Strategy, and in line with the membership in the ICPDR and ISRBC. Also, long-term objective of the project is to facilitate poverty alleviation and enhance national economic development, through reduction of flood damages. The specific objective of the Project is to prepare flood hazard and flood risk maps, which will be incorporated in Flood Risk Management Plans for the Project area (preparation of FRMP is the responsibility of Beneficiaries).

Ref. person: Mr. Alvaro Diez

phone: +381 63 766 4895


to Oct-12


T & F Consult Ltd

Senior Info  and Water Management Expert

Danube Floodrisk – Stakeholder oriented floodrisk assessment for the Danube floodplains (SEE EoI/A/077/2.1/X): (a) providing trans-national methodology and models, and implementing for floodrisk assessment and mapping; (b) proposals for flood mitigation measures; (c) adjustments of spatial development plans; (d) assessment tools for economic development in flood plains; (e) raised awareness of floodrisk of stakeholders, politicians, planners and the public. As expert to the Hungarian Central Directorate for Water & Environment (VKKI), participation in the work of WP3 (Harmonization of data and methods), WP4 (Stakeholder involvement and user integration); WP6 (Map production - hazard, risk).

Ref. person: Mr. János A. Szabó

phone: +36 20 522 5920


to Dec-11


VVMZ Env.Inst.

Key Expert

Data Mgmt

Technical assistance in the preparation and implementation of the Sava River Basin Management Plan, (EuropeAid/128277/C/SER/Multi). The project is to facilitate the approximation to the EU environmental acquis especially in the field of water through the identification of priority objectives common to the Beneficiaries (HR, RS, BA, ME) as a whole and by encouraging a more strategic focus to the use of available financing and ensuring coordinated action between all planning and financial instruments operating in the region, in particular as regards integrated river basin management according to the WFD (also including navigation, hydropower, flood prevention and agriculture). The project: (a) provides support and assistance to the Sava Commission and the Beneficiaries in preparing and starting to implement an integrated River Basin Management Plan (RBMP); (b) develop the necessary capacities and information base to prepare an integrated RBMP for the Sava River Basin (SRB), in close coordination with other international donors and the authorities of Slovenia; (c) facilitate coordination of the water-related support projects in the SRB, both on national and regional level, in order to ensure consistency and synergies of planning and financing of other policy developments (e.g. navigation, hydropower, agriculture, flood protection).

Ref. person: Mr. Jaroslav Slobodnik

phone: +36 20 203 3389


to present



T & F Consult Ltd

Team Leader

Preparation of the methodology for the elaboration of Flood Risk Maps and Flood Risk Management Plans in Hungary (Árvízkockázati térképek és Árvízkockázat-kezelési tervek módszertani elõkészítése, project #: KEOP/2008/2.5.0.B), which includes:

(1)   elaborating the overall methodology of flood risk mapping and developing the Flood Risk Management Plan;

(2)   apply the methodology for river floods, flash floods, and inland inundation.

(3)   demonstrate the applicability of the methodology in selected pilot areas.

Ref. person: Mr. András Horkai

phone: +36 1 225 44 00


to present



T & F Consult Ltd

Senior Info  and Water Management Expert

Preparation of the methodology for the implementation of Flood Risk Management Plans in case of special flood protection plans in Hungary (A kockázatkezelési tervezés metodikája speciális árvédelmi tervtípusok esetén), which encompasses the preparation of special plans for digital inventory, including

(1)   Contents definition of special plans for the digital inventory;

(2)   Definition of contents and form of documents that take part of the special plans in digital form.

Ref. person: Mr. Sándor Kisgyörgy

phone: +36 1 237 14 91


to present



T & F Consult Ltd

Senior Info  and Water Management Expert

Preparation of the River Basin Management Plans for Hungary (Vízgyûjtõ-Gazdálkodási Tervek készítése, project #: KEOP-2.5.0.A) is an EU co-funded project managed by the Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water to assist the National Water Authority to establish the River Basin Management Plans in Hungary, in line with the EU WFD requirements. In particular, his task is to advise the Project Management in setting up spatial database and to directly control the development and implementation of Decision Support System module for assisting the designers in elaboration of RBMPs both at regional and national levels..

Ref. person: Mr. Zoltán Simonffy

phone: +36 30 37 87 439


to Dec-08



Key Expert

Water Mgmt

Preparation of a Water Management Information System for Republic of Serbia (EuropeAid/121208/D/SV/YU): an EU-funded project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) to assist the Directorate for Water (DfW) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the RS to establish a GIS-based Water Management Information System and an associated Decision Support Systems in order: a) to strengthen the protection of water resources, water quality and public health; b) to strengthen the capacity of the DfW to manage water resources; c) to provide improved access to information and data on water resources; d) to promote the inter-institutional exchange of information and data on water resources and thereby contribute to joined up government.

Ref. person: Mr. Alvaro Diez

phone: +381 63 766 4895




Team Leader

Preparation of the ToR for the Design of the River Information Services in Serbia: Assistance to the EAR in the preparation of the documentation and TD for the preparation of the design and implementation of River Information Services in Serbia.

Ref. person: Mr. Željko Tmušiæ

phone: +381 63 833 6336


to Jan-07

Budapest Hungary

T & F Consult Ltd

Senior Info  and Water Management Expert

The T&F Consult Ltd has been established in Aug-2006 as a potential successor of Futaki & Partner Engineering Ltd and Tóth & Partner Ltd. The field of activities are those of the two companies, where Mr. Futaki is responsible for the Information Mgmt and Water Mgmt / Environmental issues.

The T&F Consult Ltd was involved in the Transitional Facility project of implementing the EU Water Framework Directive in Hungary (Vízkeretirányelv végre­hajtásának elõsegítése, II Fázis - Facilitating the Implementation of EU the Water Framework Directive, Phase II). Project #: 2004-016-689-02-03.

Ref. person: Mr. Gyula Holló

phone: +36 30 971 8548


to Dec-05



ICPDR Permanent Secretariat

Deputy Executive, Secretary

Info Mgmt and Admin Officer

Staff Member of the Permanent Secretariat of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) in Vienna International Centre. The main task of the Secretariat was the give pro-active support to the ICPDR and to its Expert Bodies (including the Ecology Expert Group) in the implementation of the Danube River Protection Convention and other relevant conventions (e.g. RAMSAR Convention) with special regard to the basin-wide implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive.

As deputy Executive Secretary: supporting the work of the technical Expert Groups of the ICPDR (Ad-hoc Strategic EG, Ecology EG, River Basin Mgmt  EG, GIS EG, Emission EG, Flood EG, Monitoring, Laboratory & Info Mgmt EG, Accidental Emergency & Warning System EG, Public Participation EG) as required, and to substitute any of the Secretariat Technical Staff if these were on mission or otherwise unavailable.

As Administrative Officer: designing, organising and supervising the administrative and financial system of the Permanent Secretariat of the ICPDR (established in October 1999 in Vienna Intl. Centre). Preparing annual reports on the financial activities of the Secretariat for the ICPDR.

As Information Management Officer:

a)  operation and strategic development of the web-based information system of the ICPDR;

b)  support and co-ordination the work of the GIS Expert Sub-Groups in developing the Danube River Basin GIS with special regard to the implementation and the reporting requirements of the EU WFD.

The assignment has been ended after a three-year extension on 31 December 2005 since, according to current regulations, no further extension was possible.

Ref. person: Mr. Philip Weller

phone: +43 1 260 60 5738


to Sep-99

Budapest Hungary

Futaki & Partner Water Resources, Environmental Protection and Computer Technology Engineering Ltd (Futaki & Partner Ltd)

Managing director

Projects Team Leader

Since 1995, the company Futaki & Partner Ltd has successfully participated in the

a)  Design and development of the Hungarian Water Resources Information System with the Ministry of Transport, Commu­nication and Water Management. The major projects, where he was team leader are as follows:

–   Conceptual Design of the Hydrographical and Hydrogeological Database

–   Sewage Sludge Information Database

–   Development of Hydrographical and Hydrogeological Database

–   Development of Hydrographical and Hydrogeological Database – Stage I

–   Definition of technical requirement for the basic characteristics of the Water Management Objects of the Hydrological Sub-system of Wa­ter Management Infor­mation System

–   Definition of technical requirement for the time series data of the Hyd­ro­logical Sub-­system of Wa­ter Manage­ment Informa­tion System

–   Definition of technical requirement of the hyd­ro­logical sub­system of wa­ter manage­ment informa­tion system

b)  Design and development of a country-wide Information System for the Remediation Programme of the Contaminated Areas with the Ministry of Environment and Regional Policy. The major projects, where he was team leader are as follows:

–   Conceptual design of a country-wide Informa­tion System for the Reme­diation Pro­gramme of the Contami­na­ted Areas

–   Informatical background of the coun­try-wide Inventory and evaluation of the meth­odology used for contaminated areas and contamination sources

–   Definition of the data necessary for the detailed analyse of risk

–   Transfer of information from the subpro­grammes and from country-wide evaluation into the country-wide Information system

–   Methodological Concept of Techno­lo­gi­cal Modules of the Remediation Prog­ramme

–   Participation in the work of the Country-wide Committee of the Reme­di­ation Programme

c)  Other projects

–   Revision and Re-design of the Competition Inventory System of the National Scientific Research Programme

–   Conceptual Design of a Computer-based Information System for processing of data originated from country-wide inland inundation

–   Development of various computer programmes for hydrological dataprocessing

Ref. person: Mr. Gyula Holló

phone: +36 30 971 8548



to Jan-99



United Nations Department for Development Support and Management Services (UN–DDSMS)


Mission to the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MOWI) of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) founded project of Strengthening of the National Capacity in Water Resources Planning (JOR/92/007). The tasks were specified by DDSMS and  MOWI as follows:

a)  review and enhance existing validation procedures for data quality and reliability and set up new validation procedures needed;

b)  conduct on-the-job training on water resources (surface and groundwater). Special emphasis has to put on the following:

–   water quality analysis,

–   evaluation of existing data,

–   how to relate data analysis to future water quality and water resources management,

–   conduct training on using trend analysis and evaluation for all water resources (what tools and models should be used),

–   type of reports to be prepared using the available data, time period and layout that should be used. The Consultant has to define the tools and software needed for this purpose in addition to linking them to the existing database (using ORACLE Relational Database Management System).

c)  the work had to be carried out using MicroSoft Office 97 Professional, ArcView and Groundwater for Windows (GWW) software packages.

Ref. person: Mr. Andrei Filotti (rtd)

email: afilotti@earthlink.net

















Jerusalem Palestine

World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)


Sectorial Support Mission to the West Bank and Gaza Strip (PAL/93/027). The tasks were specified by WMO and the Palestinian Water Authority of the Palestinian National Authority as follows:

a)  assess the hydrological and water quality monitoring system in Palestine;.

b)  define the needs in that field;

c)  advise the Palestinian counterpart on the most appropriate system to be used and in the light of it, define the requirements for upgrading the existing system;

d)  formulate and assistance project brief to help the Palestinians, in collaboration with the Water Resources Action Programme (WRAP) team and other Governmental and non-Governmental Organisations, in order to establish the most appropriate water resources monitoring system (including ground water).

Ref. person: Mr. Andrei Filotti (rtd)

email: afilotti@earthlink.net


to Jul-95




Chief Technical Adviser

Chief Technical Adviser of the project BGD/88/054, Hydrological Survey & Investigation: Water Resources Information System: Surface Water and Groundwater in the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka. This was a technical assistance (TA) project funded by the UNDP, and executed by the UN–DDSMS. The project was approved in September 1991 with a UNDP input of US$ 4,601,300.The Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), under the Ministry of Water Resources, was the national implementing agency. The project has been to support the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) in its effort to upgrade, operate and maintain an Integrated Water Resources Information System which would provide Government Agencies with high quality and reliable water related data, needed to support inter alia, the 26 components of the Flood Action Plan. The project was also to upgrade the Surface Water and Groundwater observation network, and to assess the operation and management of the Hydrology Service providing the Government with an analysis of the measures to be taken to ensure the sustainability of the operations.

Ref. person: Mr. Andrei Filotti (rtd)

email: afilotti@earthlink.net


to 1992

Budapest Hungary

Research Centre for Water Resources (VITUKI)

Senior Research Associate

Team Leader of the Research and Implementation (R&I) programme designing the Hungarian micro-computer based Hydrologi­cal Primary Data Processing System. The team also developed and put into operation all computer programmes of the system on the IBM-compatible PCs procured through the project. Design and implementation of data flow between the District Water Authori­ties and the Central Hydrological Archive (in VITUKI) was a crucial point of the system. Processing of all backlogs in the traditional Hydrographical Archive of Hungary was also parts of the project.

Ref. person: Dr. Péter Bakonyi

phone: +36 1 216 8137


to Mar-91





Consultant to the Food for Work programme (BGD/87/021) Dhaka/Bang­ladesh. The duty was to produce guidelines for setting up the computerised Inventory of Water Development Systems of the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), and to train the engineers of BWDB in using that system. This Inventory was a combined system of a Relational Database and a Geographical Information System.

Ref. person: Mr. Andrei Filotti (rtd)

email: afilotti@earthlink.net


Ref.: Prof. Dr. Szöllõsi-Nagy András

phone: +33 1 4568 4001

Dr. Szöllõsi-Nagy is the ref. person for all assignments below


to Aug-90





Consultant of WMO to the HYDRO­NIGER Forecas­ting Project (RAF/87/082) in Niamey Niger. The duty was to analyse the problems of the project and define steps to follow in the aim of successful comple­tion of the second phase of the project by the end of the year 1990.


Geneva Switzerland



As Consultant invited to WMO Headquarters in Geneva to implement the Hungarian Data Processing Storage and Fore­cas­ting System, as a HOMS-sequence on the IBM AT microcom­puter of WMO.


to 1985

Budapest Hungary



As Consultant participated in UNDP/FAO project HUN/82/004, preparing the computer programmes of a sophisticated mathematical model (DISNIT) simulating water/nitrate movement in the soil. Within the same project, prepared  the comput­er programme of a mass transport model (DISMOD).


to 1986

South-East Asian countries



As Consultant participated in the UNDP/WMO project estab­lishing HOMS (RAS/79­/113), by developing a Hydrological Primary Data Process­ing, Storage and Forecasting System (HDPS&FS) for CP/M based 8‑bit micro­computers. In the framework of the project delivered lectures in workshops organised by WMO in:

a)  Thailand (1983, AIT Bangkok);

b)  Mekong riparian coun­tries (1984, Thailand, Vietnam, Lao PDR);

c)  Nepal (1985);

d)  North Korea (1986).


Budapest Hungary



As Consultant under a contract between VITUKI and WMO, participated in the team preparing Hyd­rological Database for the Niger Forecasting Model tender (HYDRO­NIGER project, Nigerian part of the river Niger basin).


Geneva Switzerland



As Consultant invited to WMO Headquarters in Geneva for implementing Hungarian and other Hydrological Operational Multipurpose Sub-system components (HOMS): Self‑Tuning Forecasting Model, Reservoir Sizing Model and API Model on the 8‑bit microcomputer (CROMEMCO) of WMO.


to Dec-80

Lagos and Lokoja Nigeria



As Consultant under a contract between VITUKI and the Nigeri­an Federal Ministry of Transport he set up the Hydrological Data Management System for the navigable rivers of Nigeria (spending nine months in the country and co‑operating with the University of Lagos, training counterpart personnel).


to 1989

Budapest Hungary


Research Associate

As Head of the Computer Centre, charged with setting up the Computer Centre of VITUKI. His principal duties in­cluded development of the computer technical back­ground (hardware and software) for VITUKI, control and supervision of the Hydrologic­al Database (HDB) for Hungary:

a)  development of algorithms for processing hydrological and hydrometeorological da­ta,;

b)  preparation of computer programmes for DEC, IBM etc. large computers and putting the programmes into opera­tion all over the country, as well as training of personnel;

c)  additionally, noticeable achievements were related to hydrological model­ling.


to Sep-78



Hydrological Service

State Secretariat of Hydraulics

Team Leader

First as Staff Member, later (from 1977) as Team Leader of a group of Hungarian experts in hydrology to Algeria, worked with the Hydrolo­gical Service of the State Secretariat of Hydr­aulics. This Service controlled the hydrolo­gical and climato­logical data collection network over the whole territory of Algeria. As expert, charged with preparing and executing different computer programmes serving data processing and reservoir modelling. Later, in 1976 designed and setting up a Hydrological Data Management System (HDMS) for the Service on a UNIVAC 1106 computer. The task also included to conduct regular training programmes for the counter­part staff members.


to Sep-72

Budapest Hungary


Research Assistant

As Research Assistant in the Department of Hydraulic Enginee­ring of the Budapest University of Technology participated in small-scale model experiments aiming to determine optimal location of a bridge on the Tisza River, Hungary, and directed practical hydraulic planning.

15.     Other relevant information

From 1979 to 1992 Lecturer in Computer Technology at the annually organised six-month, UNES­CO‑sponsored International Post‑Graduate Course in Hydrology in Budapest. He was lecturing regularly on computer technology, computerised data pro­cessing and mathematical modelling in hydrology.

From 1999 to 2005, as part of his assignment of Information Management Officer, conducted training workshops for the experts of the ICPDR in using the web-based ICPDR Information System

In 2008, in the frame of WMIS for the Republic of Serbia designing and supervising comprehensive Training Programme to introduce the Serbian WMIS to Users.

HYDROInform Ltd., Budapest, Hungary

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