![]() Gábor Zoltán RÉTI |
Szabó, J. A. - Tóth, T. - Réti, G. (2010): Development of a model system for real-time analyzing the different states of water resources and forecasting for the watershed of river Danube, (In Hungarian: Valós idejû vízkészletállapot-elemzõ és elõrejelzõ modell-rendszer kifejlesztése a Duna vízgyûjtõjére.) XXVIIIth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Sopron, Hungary, 7-9 Jul. 2010)
Szabó, J. A. - Bódis, K. - Tóth, T. - Tahy, Á. - Réti, G. (2011): Towards a Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Based Real-Time Drought Monitoring and Forecasting System for the Catchment Areas of Hungary’s Streams. In: Conference Abstracts of the “XXVth Conference of the Danube Countries on the Hydrological Forecasting and Hydrological Bases of Water Management” (Budapest, Hungary, 16-17 Jun. 2011), pp.: 45.
Szabó, J. A. - Tóthné Seres, É. - Réti, G. - Tóth, T. (2011): Model simulation based flood frequency analysis of Szerencs-creek. (In Hungarian: A Szerencs-patak számítógépes modell-szimuláción alapuló árvízi gyakoriság-elemzése.) XXIXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Eger, Hungary, 6-8 Jul. 2011)
Szabó, J. A. - Réti, G. (2011): Climate change and water management. (In Hungarian: Klímaváltozás és vízgazdálkodás.) Scientific presentation as an invited speaker of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Budapest, Hungary, 21 Sept. 2011)
Réti, G.
– Tóth, T. – Bakonyi, P. – Szabó, J. A. (2011): Flood Hazard Mapping of
the Hungarian Part of the Danube Corridor.
River Basin and Flood Risk Management
Scientific Conference with International Participation.
Réti, G. (2012): Analysis of the extreme flood events of the Hungarian reach of river Danube using 1D numerical modeling. (In Hungarian: A magyarországi Duna-szakasz szélsõséges árhullámainak vizsgálata 1D-s numerikus modell alkalmazásával.) XXXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Kaposvár, Hungary, 4-6 Jul. 2012)
Szabó, J. A. - Bartholy, J. - Pongrácz, R. - Réti, G. (2012): Development of methodology of the impact analysis of climatic trends to characteristics of flood frequencies on the watershed of Upper-Tisza (In Hungarian: Módszertani fejlesztés a klimatikus trendek árvízi gyakoriságok karakterisztikáira gyakorolt hatáselemzésére a Felsõ-Tisza vízgyûjtõjén.) XXXth Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Kaposvár, Hungary, 4-6 Jul. 2012)
Szabó, J. A. - Réti, G. (2013): Uncertainty of estimation of precipitation fields, and analysis of its effect to hydrologic model simulations. (In Hungarian: Csapadékmezõk becslési bizonytalansága, és hatásának elemzése hidrológiai modell-szimulációkra.) XXXIst Annual scientific meeting of Hungarian Hydrological Society. (Gödöllõ, Hungary, 3-4 Jul. 2013)
Szabó, J. A. - Réti, G. (2013): Development of Advanced and Up-to-date Hydroinformatics Tools for Improved Water Management. Joint Stakeholder Conference, Transboundary water issues in a macro-regional context: the Danube basin, Hungarian Academy of Science, (Budapest, Hungary, 11-12 Sept. 2013) |
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